Ran into odd issue with a non-Azure AD joined computer (in this case, it was an RDS server) and signing in to Microsoft Apps on just ONE user’s profile would not work, I couldn’t figure out why. When trying to sign in to Outlook it would fail with this error “Something went wrong and outlook can’t open”, and when Teams launches at startup it was showing this error: 80090016
NOTE: this issue is specific to an RDS server but I saw this same/similar issue with other computers for other Microsoft Office 365 tenants as well, this fix may work as a general fix for the “can’t sign in” issue seen in different environments/scenarios.
Nothing I found was working. (I tried the basics, clear any cached credentials in windows credential manager, sign out of any office apps, repair office apps) I even created a new windows profile on that RDS server for the user, and at first the office apps worked but then they broke again after a few weeks and the user started seeing the same error. As a note, since this was a machine wide install for a Remote Desktop Server, everyone on the server was using the same office apps so I could not attempt a reinstall easily, and no one else’s apps were broken like this.
Here is what finally fixed it, I am not positive which item exactly worked but I took the below actions and something from the below or maybe all of it, resulted in it working again:
1. DELETE this whole registry key:
Reboot the computer
2. Open registry again and look for these keys:
Expected: https://autodiscover-s.outlook.com REG_DWORD Value: 40 (hex)
Expected: https://autodiscover-s.domain.com REG_DWORD Value: 40 (hex)
Add the above keys in manually if missing
3. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/something-went-wrong-and-outlook-couldn-t-set-up-your-account-b2d5e011-f801-489f-a908-e0318e172767
In case autodiscover was causing a problem I added in the keys documented in the article from Microsoft above. Since this was a machine wide installation, the Microsoft Click-to-Run Autodiscover keys were in a different spot than what that Microsoft article says for the common installation locations:
Keys added:
DWORD: ExcludeSrvRecord
Value: 1
DWORD: ExcludeHttpsRootDomain
Value: 1
DWORD: ExcludeLastKnownGoodUrl
4. I also noted that in this section for current user:
There was no Autodiscover record for the user, which I think would auto-populate once successfully signed in but I also tried manually adding it (compared to expected output from other users successfully signed in)
String Value (REG_SZ): usersemail@usersdomain.com
VALUE: usersemail@usersdomain.com
5. I also signed out of the windows profile, then signed back in with an admin user and navigated to the USERS app data folder:
DELETE completely the above folders, reboot computer then sign back in
6. Ensure MFA is not enabled (it wasn’t for this user, so this had no effect)
7. One of the last things I did before another reboot of the RDS server is in Azure, I navigated to the Users then found the effected user and looked under devices. The RDS server showed as a registered device and also had a red “Not Compliant” symbol. I compared this to other users on the RDS server, the RDS server also was registered but for other users it said compliant. (This really is a non-situation as the RDS is not azure AD joined and not using Intune or any MDM for this tenant) So, I removed the device (RD Server) from Azure (deleted it).
After all of the above, I rebooted again, and this time Teams did not automatically try to sign in – I.e. when signing in to Windows I was prompted to sign in to teams. Before, Teams seemed to store some cached credential or identity that auto signed in and that kept failing.
IMPORTANT: The first time I signed in to teams after completing all the above troubleshooting, it asked if I wanted to sign in to all apps or just Teams. I said OK to all apps. This seemed to be what cause things to break.
I deleted the identity folder again, unregistered device from Azure, basically repeated all the aforementioned steps and then was prompted to sign in again – this time, I said NO SIGN IN TO THIS APP ONLY and after all that it finally worked.